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Image by Jordan Madrid


You may be loving your job, struggling in your job, or simply thinking of a change.  But we all need time to reflect on where we are and where we want to go. 


The Career Conversations Experience  brings you clarity on three big questions:


What am I good at?

What do I want?

What are my possibilities?

The journey in detail.

There are four stages to the journey..



The easy bit – complete an online reflective questionnaire prior to The Career Conversations Experience – takes about 10 mins.


The fun bit – a 90 mins virtual group experience where we meet with the other participants on the programme.  Never more than 8. Through a guided facilitated session we look at what makes for a purposeful career in the modern world of work. Understanding our strengths, articulating our desires and all the time recognising market realities. 


The rich and insightful bit . Post the session you will have access to the Online StoryTeller ©  development tool which builds on the discussion in stage 1.  It generates a self guided discovery report for delving deeper in stage 4.


The reunion.   Within a couple of weeks we come back together again for a 90 minute session. We share our findings from the deep dive with the Online StoryTeller.  We work together in finding real possibilities for your next step forward.

Drive Your Own Career

The Career Conversations Experience is based on a process called the Narrative Based Assessment System ©.

Developed by Dr Rich Feller and Mark Franklin – it bridges the latest career theory and thinking with a proven framework used successfully with thousands of people from countries around the world.  Quite simply, it brings storytelling to the world of career development.  

It's about harnessing the power of the stories of our life to date, to provide clues and give direction to what opportunity our future might hold.

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Contact Me 

Susan Mulholland

*Susan Mulholland is an experienced coach and facilitator and has delivered over 1,000 workshops to over 10,000 people throughout Ireland, UK & Europe. She is a certified Virtual Delivery Trainer, 'NBA' Facilitator and holds a MSc in Organisational Behaviour.

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